---------------Madagascar Project------------------¶
Editor:Zhaocheng Tan¶
In [94]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sklearn as skl
import scipy as sci
import sympy as sp
#**note** this next bit is to hide warning due to upcoming changes to libaries which are not critical for the course
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
Python Program 1---------------------------------start---------------------------------¶
Convert control point geographical coordinates to Mercator Projection grid coordinates.¶
Result A: Mercator Projection grid coordinates of control points 1-4.¶
In [95]:
madagascar_control = pd.read_excel('2024_madagasscar_project_data.xlsx')
In [96]:
#Radius of Earth
r = 6378000
In [97]:
madagascar_mercator = madagascar_control
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 |
In [98]:
#converting lon and lat from degree to radian
madagascar_mercator['Lon_rad_E'] = np.deg2rad(madagascar_control['Long_deg_E'])
madagascar_mercator['Lat_rad_N'] = np.deg2rad(madagascar_control['Lat_deg_N'])
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN |
In [99]:
#Convert control point geographical coordinates to Mercator Projection grid coordinates.
madagascar_mercator['Mercator_Easting_Latitude'] = r * madagascar_control['Lon_rad_E']
madagascar_mercator['Mercator_Northing_Longitude'] = r * np.log(np.tan(np.pi/4 + madagascar_control['Lat_rad_N']/2))
In [100]:
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Python Program 2-------------------------start---------------------------------¶
Estimate Digitizer to Mercator 2D similarity transformation constants using 2 control points (number 1 and number 3).¶
result B:Transformation constants estimated using 2 control points.¶
In [101]:
## negative pixel y values
madagascar_mercator['negative_y'] = -madagascar_mercator['pixel_y']
In [102]:
madagascar_control_0_2_pix =madagascar_control[['pixel_x','negative_y']].iloc[[0,2]].copy()
In [103]:
col1= (pd.concat([madagascar_control_0_2_pix['pixel_x'], madagascar_control_0_2_pix['negative_y']]).sort_index(kind='merge').to_numpy())
col2 =(pd.concat([-madagascar_control_0_2_pix['negative_y'], madagascar_control_0_2_pix['pixel_x']]).sort_index(kind='merge').to_numpy())
col_tx = np.empty((len(col1),),float)
col_tx[::2] = 1
col_tx[1::2] = 0
col_ty = np.empty((len(col1),),float)
col_ty[::2] = 0
col_ty[1::2] = 1
[ 419 -163 586 -340] [163 419 340 586] [1. 0. 1. 0.] [0. 1. 0. 1.]
In [104]:
[[ 419. 163. 1. 0.] [-163. 419. 0. 1.] [ 586. 340. 1. 0.] [-340. 586. 0. 1.]]
In [105]:
inv_a_0_2 = np.linalg.inv(a_0_2)
[[-0.00282009 0.00298896 0.00282009 -0.00298896] [-0.00298896 -0.00282009 0.00298896 0.00282009] [ 2.66881691 -0.79269817 -1.66881691 0.79269817] [ 0.79269817 2.66881691 -0.79269817 -1.66881691]]
In [106]:
madagascar_control_0_2_mer =madagascar_control[['Mercator_Easting_Latitude','Mercator_Northing_Longitude']].iloc[[0,2]].copy()
In [107]:
l_vect = (pd.concat([mer_e,mer_n]).sort_index(kind='merge').to_numpy())
array([ 3.33951299e+06, -7.08100245e-10, 6.67902598e+06, -3.50347459e+06])
In [108]:
x_array = np.dot(inv_a_0_2, l_vect)
[ 1.98894537e+04 1.01549243e+02 -5.01072065e+06 3.19943183e+06]
In [109]:
In [110]:
19889.45374098237 101.54924306154862 -5010720.653324694 3199431.8269373374
Python Program 3----------------------start-----------------------------¶
In [111]:
madagascar_mercator.to_excel('madagascar_mercator_transformed.xlsx', index=False)
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | mercator_x_2c | mercator_y_2c | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | 3.306408e+06 | -6.398864e+06 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | 6.627947e+06 | -6.381905e+06 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | 6.609972e+06 | -9.902338e+06 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | 3.288434e+06 | -9.919297e+06 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | 5.407582e+06 | -7.780361e+06 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -252 | 5.544878e+06 | -8.157550e+06 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -253 | 5.465219e+06 | -8.177846e+06 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -259 | 5.464610e+06 | -8.297182e+06 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | 5.242271e+06 | -8.994430e+06 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -309 | 5.161190e+06 | -9.293178e+06 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -301 | 4.784103e+06 | -9.135992e+06 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | 4.846716e+06 | -8.558893e+06 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -256 | 4.888120e+06 | -8.240459e+06 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -254 | 5.107107e+06 | -8.199563e+06 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -242 | 5.247552e+06 | -7.960179e+06 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | 5.407582e+06 | -7.780361e+06 |
In [112]:
# Plot the scatterplot with adjusted transparency and point size
plot = sns.scatterplot(
palette='coolwarm', # A harmonious color palette for better contrast
s=120, # Increase point size for better visibility
alpha=0.8 # Adjust transparency to improve overlapping point visibility
# Move the legend to the upper left
sns.move_legend(plot, 'upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
# Set title, axis labels, and font size
plot.set_title("Madagascar Points in Mercator Projection", fontsize=18, fontweight='bold')
plot.set_xlabel("Mercator X", fontsize=14)
plot.set_ylabel("Mercator Y", fontsize=14)
# Adjust tick parameters for readability
plot.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12)
# Set the aspect ratio to 'equal' for accurate scaling
# Display the plot with tight layout to avoid label clipping
Python Program 4--------------------------------------------start-------------------------------------------------¶
Convert geographic coordinates to Lambert Confocal Conic (LCC) coordinates¶
In [113]:
pixel_x_co = madagascar_control['pixel_x'].to_numpy()
pixel_y_co = madagascar_control['negative_y'].to_numpy()
In [114]:
array([419, 586, 586, 419, 525, 532, 528, 528, 517, 513, 494, 497, 499, 510, 517, 525])
In [115]:
array([-163, -163, -340, -340, -233, -252, -253, -259, -294, -309, -301, -272, -256, -254, -242, -233])
In [116]:
east_transformed = a * pixel_x_co - b * pixel_y_co + t_x
north_transformed = b * pixel_x_co + a *pixel_y_co + t_y
In [117]:
array([ 0. , 16958.72359128, -3503474.5885626 , -3520433.31215388, -1381497.54210424, -1758686.31848148, -1778981.9691947 , -1898318.6916406 , -2595566.61424866, -2894314.61733564, -2737128.42302595, -2160029.61680828, -1841595.25846644, -1800699.30931079, -1561315.01971758, -1381497.54210424])
In [118]:
madagascar_transformed = madagascar_mercator
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | mercator_x_2c | mercator_y_2c | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | 3.306408e+06 | -6.398864e+06 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | 6.627947e+06 | -6.381905e+06 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | 6.609972e+06 | -9.902338e+06 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | 3.288434e+06 | -9.919297e+06 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | 5.407582e+06 | -7.780361e+06 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -252 | 5.544878e+06 | -8.157550e+06 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -253 | 5.465219e+06 | -8.177846e+06 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -259 | 5.464610e+06 | -8.297182e+06 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | 5.242271e+06 | -8.994430e+06 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -309 | 5.161190e+06 | -9.293178e+06 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -301 | 4.784103e+06 | -9.135992e+06 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | 4.846716e+06 | -8.558893e+06 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -256 | 4.888120e+06 | -8.240459e+06 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -254 | 5.107107e+06 | -8.199563e+06 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -242 | 5.247552e+06 | -7.960179e+06 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | 5.407582e+06 | -7.780361e+06 |
In [119]:
madagascar_mercator = madagascar_transformed
madagascar_transformed['East_Transformed'] = east_transformed
madagascar_transformed['North_Transformed'] = north_transformed
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | mercator_x_2c | mercator_y_2c | East_Transformed | North_Transformed | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | 3.306408e+06 | -6.398864e+06 | 3.339513e+06 | 0.000000e+00 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | 6.627947e+06 | -6.381905e+06 | 6.661052e+06 | 1.695872e+04 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | 6.609972e+06 | -9.902338e+06 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | 3.288434e+06 | -9.919297e+06 | 3.357487e+06 | -3.520433e+06 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | 5.407582e+06 | -7.780361e+06 | 5.454904e+06 | -1.381498e+06 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -252 | 5.544878e+06 | -8.157550e+06 | 5.596059e+06 | -1.758686e+06 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -253 | 5.465219e+06 | -8.177846e+06 | 5.516603e+06 | -1.778982e+06 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -259 | 5.464610e+06 | -8.297182e+06 | 5.517212e+06 | -1.898319e+06 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | 5.242271e+06 | -8.994430e+06 | 5.301982e+06 | -2.595567e+06 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -309 | 5.161190e+06 | -9.293178e+06 | 5.223948e+06 | -2.894315e+06 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -301 | 4.784103e+06 | -9.135992e+06 | 4.845236e+06 | -2.737128e+06 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | 4.846716e+06 | -8.558893e+06 | 4.901959e+06 | -2.160030e+06 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -256 | 4.888120e+06 | -8.240459e+06 | 4.940113e+06 | -1.841595e+06 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -254 | 5.107107e+06 | -8.199563e+06 | 5.158694e+06 | -1.800699e+06 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -242 | 5.247552e+06 | -7.960179e+06 | 5.296702e+06 | -1.561315e+06 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | 5.407582e+06 | -7.780361e+06 | 5.454904e+06 | -1.381498e+06 |
In [120]:
# Set seaborn style for a clean background
sns.set(style="whitegrid", palette="muted") # A cleaner background with grid lines
# Create the plot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
# Plot the scatterplot with adjusted transparency and point size
plot = sns.scatterplot(
palette='coolwarm', # A harmonious color palette for better contrast
s=120, # Increase point size for better visibility
alpha=0.8 # Adjust transparency to improve overlapping point visibility
# Set title, axis labels, and font size
plot.set_title("Madagascar Transformation", fontsize=18, fontweight='bold')
plot.set_xlabel("East Transformed (Longitude)", fontsize=14)
plot.set_ylabel("North Transformed (Latitude)", fontsize=14)
# Adjust tick parameters for readability
plot.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12)
# Set the aspect ratio to 'equal' for accurate scaling
# Display the plot with tight layout to avoid label clipping
In [121]:
geo_latitude_rad = np.pi / 2 - 2 * np.arctan(np.exp(-madagascar_transformed['North_Transformed'] / r))
geo_longitude_rad = madagascar_mercator['East_Transformed'] / r
## formula Of page 44
In [122]:
madagascar_transformed['radians_longitude'] = geo_longitude_rad
madagascar_transformed['radians_latitude'] = geo_latitude_rad
In [123]:
madagascar_transformed['geo_longitude'] = geo_longitude_rad * (180 / np.pi)
madagascar_transformed['geo_latitude'] = geo_latitude_rad * (180 / np.pi)
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | mercator_x_2c | mercator_y_2c | East_Transformed | North_Transformed | radians_longitude | radians_latitude | geo_longitude | geo_latitude | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | 3.306408e+06 | -6.398864e+06 | 3.339513e+06 | 0.000000e+00 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 30.000000 | 0.000000 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | 6.627947e+06 | -6.381905e+06 | 6.661052e+06 | 1.695872e+04 | 1.044379 | 0.002659 | 59.838531 | 0.152346 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | 6.609972e+06 | -9.902338e+06 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 60.000000 | -30.000000 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | 3.288434e+06 | -9.919297e+06 | 3.357487e+06 | -3.520433e+06 | 0.526417 | -0.525900 | 30.161469 | -30.131848 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | 5.407582e+06 | -7.780361e+06 | 5.454904e+06 | -1.381498e+06 | 0.855269 | -0.214929 | 49.003285 | -12.314549 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -252 | 5.544878e+06 | -8.157550e+06 | 5.596059e+06 | -1.758686e+06 | 0.877400 | -0.272313 | 50.271334 | -15.602402 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -253 | 5.465219e+06 | -8.177846e+06 | 5.516603e+06 | -1.778982e+06 | 0.864942 | -0.275377 | 49.557551 | -15.777931 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -259 | 5.464610e+06 | -8.297182e+06 | 5.517212e+06 | -1.898319e+06 | 0.865038 | -0.293336 | 49.563025 | -16.806907 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | 5.242271e+06 | -8.994430e+06 | 5.301982e+06 | -2.595567e+06 | 0.831292 | -0.396167 | 47.629541 | -22.698704 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -309 | 5.161190e+06 | -9.293178e+06 | 5.223948e+06 | -2.894315e+06 | 0.819057 | -0.438978 | 46.928530 | -25.151600 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -301 | 4.784103e+06 | -9.135992e+06 | 4.845236e+06 | -2.737128e+06 | 0.759679 | -0.416554 | 43.526429 | -23.866814 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | 4.846716e+06 | -8.558893e+06 | 4.901959e+06 | -2.160030e+06 | 0.768573 | -0.332374 | 44.035995 | -19.043653 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -256 | 4.888120e+06 | -8.240459e+06 | 4.940113e+06 | -1.841595e+06 | 0.774555 | -0.284811 | 44.378747 | -16.318486 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -254 | 5.107107e+06 | -8.199563e+06 | 5.158694e+06 | -1.800699e+06 | 0.808826 | -0.278652 | 46.342334 | -15.965588 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -242 | 5.247552e+06 | -7.960179e+06 | 5.296702e+06 | -1.561315e+06 | 0.830464 | -0.242388 | 47.582104 | -13.887811 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | 5.407582e+06 | -7.780361e+06 | 5.454904e+06 | -1.381498e+06 | 0.855269 | -0.214929 | 49.003285 | -12.314549 |
In [234]:
# Plot the scatterplot with adjusted transparency and point size
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
plot = sns.scatterplot(
palette='coolwarm', # A harmonious color palette for better contrast
s=120, # Increase point size for better visibility
alpha=0.8 # Adjust transparency to improve overlapping point visibility
# Set title, axis labels, and font size
plot.set_title("Madagascar Location", fontsize=18, fontweight='bold')
plot.set_xlabel("Longitude (geo_longitude)", fontsize=14)
plot.set_ylabel("Latitude (geo_latitude)", fontsize=14)
# Adjust tick parameters for readability
plot.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12)
# Set the aspect ratio to 'equal' for accurate scaling
# Display the plot with tight layout to avoid label clipping
Convert geographic coordinates to Lambert Confocal Conic (LCC) coordinates¶
In [125]:
# define the latitude of origin (equator) and two standard parallels in degrees.
phi_0 = 0
phi_1 = -10
phi_2 = -25
In [126]:
# Define the latitude of origin (equator) and two standard parallels in degrees.
# Convert degrees to radians for mathematical calculations.
phi_0rad = np.deg2rad(phi_0)
phi_1rad = np.deg2rad(phi_1)
phi_2rad = np.deg2rad(phi_2)
In [127]:
# Calculate the LCC projection scale factor n.
# n determines the convergence rate of meridians based on the two standard parallels.
lcc_n = np.log(np.cos(phi_1rad) / np.cos(phi_2rad)) / np.log( np.tan(np.pi / 4 + phi_2rad/ 2) / np.tan(np.pi / 4 + phi_1rad / 2))
In [128]:
lcc_f = (np.cos(phi_1rad) * (np.tan(np.pi / 4 + phi_1rad / 2)**lcc_n))/lcc_n
In [129]:
# ompute the projection radius rho_0 at the latitude of origin (φ_0).
# This is a key parameter for transforming geographic to projected coordinates.
rho_0=r * lcc_f/np.tan(np.pi/4+phi_0rad/2)**lcc_n
In [130]:
# Convert latitude and longitude (in radians) to LCC projection coordinates:
# Radial distance: Derived from the scaling coefficient and input latitude.
# Longitude difference: Scaled using the factor n.
In [131]:
madagascar_transformed['2C_LCC_latitude'] = r * lcc_f/np.tan(np.pi/4+madagascar_transformed['radians_latitude']/2)**lcc_n
In [132]:
madagascar_transformed['2C_LCC_longitude'] = lcc_n * (madagascar_transformed['radians_longitude']-phi_0rad)
In [133]:
madagascar_lambert_conical_conformal = madagascar_transformed
In [134]:
# 2C_LCC_Easting: Compute the X coordinate using the sine of the transformed longitude.
# 2C_LCC_Northin: Compute the Y coordinate by adjusting the radial distance with the cosine of the transformed longitude.
In [135]:
madagascar_lambert_conical_conformal['2C_LCC_Easting']= np.sin(madagascar_lambert_conical_conformal['2C_LCC_longitude']) * madagascar_lambert_conical_conformal['2C_LCC_latitude']
madagascar_lambert_conical_conformal['2C_LCC_Northing']= rho_0 - madagascar_lambert_conical_conformal['2C_LCC_latitude'] * np.cos(madagascar_lambert_conical_conformal['2C_LCC_longitude'])
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | ... | East_Transformed | North_Transformed | radians_longitude | radians_latitude | geo_longitude | geo_latitude | 2C_LCC_latitude | 2C_LCC_longitude | 2C_LCC_Easting | 2C_LCC_Northing | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 3.339513e+06 | 0.000000e+00 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 30.000000 | 0.000000 | -2.195950e+07 | -0.157902 | 3.453059e+06 | -2.731903e+05 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 6.661052e+06 | 1.695872e+04 | 1.044379 | 0.002659 | 59.838531 | 0.152346 | -2.197712e+07 | -0.314954 | 6.807916e+06 | -1.063426e+06 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 60.000000 | -30.000000 | -1.860714e+07 | -0.315804 | 5.779021e+06 | -4.272543e+06 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 3.357487e+06 | -3.520433e+06 | 0.526417 | -0.525900 | 30.161469 | -30.131848 | -1.859223e+07 | -0.158752 | 2.939169e+06 | -3.601068e+06 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 5.454904e+06 | -1.381498e+06 | 0.855269 | -0.214929 | 49.003285 | -12.314549 | -2.057093e+07 | -0.257924 | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -252 | ... | 5.596059e+06 | -1.758686e+06 | 0.877400 | -0.272313 | 50.271334 | -15.602402 | -2.020731e+07 | -0.264598 | 5.284643e+06 | -2.455461e+06 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -253 | ... | 5.516603e+06 | -1.778982e+06 | 0.864942 | -0.275377 | 49.557551 | -15.777931 | -2.018792e+07 | -0.260841 | 5.206332e+06 | -2.454471e+06 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -259 | ... | 5.517212e+06 | -1.898319e+06 | 0.865038 | -0.293336 | 49.563025 | -16.806907 | -2.007433e+07 | -0.260870 | 5.177597e+06 | -2.564369e+06 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | ... | 5.301982e+06 | -2.595567e+06 | 0.831292 | -0.396167 | 47.629541 | -22.698704 | -1.942331e+07 | -0.250693 | 4.818452e+06 | -3.143352e+06 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -309 | ... | 5.223948e+06 | -2.894315e+06 | 0.819057 | -0.438978 | 46.928530 | -25.151600 | -1.915087e+07 | -0.247004 | 4.682382e+06 | -3.389872e+06 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -301 | ... | 4.845236e+06 | -2.737128e+06 | 0.759679 | -0.416554 | 43.526429 | -23.866814 | -1.929374e+07 | -0.229097 | 4.381574e+06 | -3.169877e+06 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | ... | 4.901959e+06 | -2.160030e+06 | 0.768573 | -0.332374 | 44.035995 | -19.043653 | -1.982745e+07 | -0.231779 | 4.554552e+06 | -2.662252e+06 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -256 | ... | 4.940113e+06 | -1.841595e+06 | 0.774555 | -0.284811 | 44.378747 | -16.318486 | -2.012824e+07 | -0.233583 | 4.658980e+06 | -2.377878e+06 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -254 | ... | 5.158694e+06 | -1.800699e+06 | 0.808826 | -0.278652 | 46.342334 | -15.965588 | -2.016720e+07 | -0.243918 | 4.870516e+06 | -2.389268e+06 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -242 | ... | 5.296702e+06 | -1.561315e+06 | 0.830464 | -0.242388 | 47.582104 | -13.887811 | -2.039677e+07 | -0.250444 | 5.055009e+06 | -2.199063e+06 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 5.454904e+06 | -1.381498e+06 | 0.855269 | -0.214929 | 49.003285 | -12.314549 | -2.057093e+07 | -0.257924 | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 |
16 rows × 22 columns
In [235]:
# Plot the scatterplot with adjusted transparency and point size
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
plot = sns.scatterplot(
palette='coolwarm', # A harmonious color palette for better contrast
s=180, # Increase point size for better visibility
alpha=0.8 # Adjust transparency to improve overlapping point visibility
# Set title, axis labels, and font size
plot.set_title("Madagascar LCC", fontsize=18, fontweight='bold')
plot.set_xlabel("Eastings (2C_LCC_Easting)", fontsize=14)
plot.set_ylabel("Northings (2C_LCC_Northing)", fontsize=14)
# Adjust tick parameters for readability
plot.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12)
# Set the aspect ratio to 'equal' for accurate scaling
# Display the plot with tight layout to avoid label clipping
4 control points-----------------------start--------------------------------¶
In [137]:
madagascar_control_0_4 =madagascar_control.iloc[[0,1,2,3]].copy()
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | ... | East_Transformed | North_Transformed | radians_longitude | radians_latitude | geo_longitude | geo_latitude | 2C_LCC_latitude | 2C_LCC_longitude | 2C_LCC_Easting | 2C_LCC_Northing | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 3.339513e+06 | 0.000000e+00 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 30.000000 | 0.000000 | -2.195950e+07 | -0.157902 | 3.453059e+06 | -2.731903e+05 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 6.661052e+06 | 1.695872e+04 | 1.044379 | 0.002659 | 59.838531 | 0.152346 | -2.197712e+07 | -0.314954 | 6.807916e+06 | -1.063426e+06 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 60.000000 | -30.000000 | -1.860714e+07 | -0.315804 | 5.779021e+06 | -4.272543e+06 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 3.357487e+06 | -3.520433e+06 | 0.526417 | -0.525900 | 30.161469 | -30.131848 | -1.859223e+07 | -0.158752 | 2.939169e+06 | -3.601068e+06 |
4 rows × 22 columns
In [138]:
similary_4c_l_os = (pd.concat([madagascar_control_0_4['Mercator_Easting_Latitude'], madagascar_control_0_4['Mercator_Northing_Longitude']]).sort_index(kind='merge').to_numpy())
similary_4c_l_os_break =pd.concat([madagascar_control_0_4['Mercator_Easting_Latitude'], madagascar_control_0_4['Mercator_Northing_Longitude']])
0 3.339513e+06 1 6.679026e+06 2 6.679026e+06 3 3.339513e+06 0 -7.081002e-10 1 -7.081002e-10 2 -3.503475e+06 3 -3.503475e+06 dtype: float64
In [139]:
0 3.339513e+06 0 -7.081002e-10 1 6.679026e+06 1 -7.081002e-10 2 6.679026e+06 2 -3.503475e+06 3 3.339513e+06 3 -3.503475e+06 dtype: float64
In [140]:
similary_4c_l_os_break_sort_numpy = similary_4c_l_os_break_sort.to_numpy()
array([ 3.33951299e+06, -7.08100245e-10, 6.67902598e+06, -7.08100245e-10, 6.67902598e+06, -3.50347459e+06, 3.33951299e+06, -3.50347459e+06])
In [141]:
similary_4c_col1= (pd.concat([madagascar_control_0_4['pixel_x'], madagascar_control_0_4['negative_y']]).sort_index(kind='merge').to_numpy())
similary_4c_col2 =(pd.concat([-madagascar_control_0_4['negative_y'], madagascar_control_0_4['pixel_x']]).sort_index(kind='merge').to_numpy())
similary_4c_col_tx = np.empty((len(similary_4c_col1),),float)
similary_4c_col_tx[::2] = 1
similary_4c_col_tx[1::2] = 0
similary_4c_col_ty = np.empty((len(similary_4c_col1),),float)
similary_4c_col_ty[::2] = 0
similary_4c_col_ty[1::2] = 1
[ 419 -163 586 -163 586 -340 419 -340] [163 419 163 586 340 586 340 419] [1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0.] [0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1.]
In [142]:
[[ 419. 163. 1. 0.] [-163. 419. 0. 1.] [ 586. 163. 1. 0.] [-163. 586. 0. 1.] [ 586. 340. 1. 0.] [-340. 586. 0. 1.] [ 419. 340. 1. 0.] [-340. 419. 0. 1.]]
In [143]:
similary_4c_v_vect = np.matmul(similary_4c_stack.T, similary_4c_l_os_break_sort_numpy)
In [144]:
similary_4c_ata=np.matmul(similary_4c_stack.T, similary_4c_stack)
array([[ 1.322252e+06, 0.000000e+00, 2.010000e+03, -1.006000e+03], [ 0.000000e+00, 1.322252e+06, 1.006000e+03, 2.010000e+03], [ 2.010000e+03, 1.006000e+03, 4.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00], [-1.006000e+03, 2.010000e+03, 0.000000e+00, 4.000000e+00]])
In [145]:
similary_4c_q_matrix = np.linalg.inv(similary_4c_ata)
[[ 1.68867574e-05 1.34343290e-21 -8.48559560e-03 4.24701949e-03] [-1.34343290e-21 1.68867574e-05 -4.24701949e-03 -8.48559560e-03] [-8.48559560e-03 -4.24701949e-03 5.58213719e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 4.24701949e-03 -8.48559560e-03 0.00000000e+00 5.58213719e+00]]
In [146]:
similary_4c_x_vect = np.matmul(similary_4c_q_matrix, similary_4c_v_vect)
[ 1.98894537e+04 -1.45519152e-11 -4.98518102e+06 3.25046032e+06]
In [ ]:
In [147]:
## multiplication between A and X (E= A*X-L)
array([ 3348500.0987769 , 8479.36179563, 6670038.87352094, 8479.36179563, 6670038.87352094, -3511953.95035824, 3348500.0987769 , -3511953.95035824])
L + E = A * X¶
E = A * X - L¶
In [148]:
similary_4c_ls_errors=(similary_4c_lin_model - similary_4c_l_os_break_sort_numpy)
LS errors¶
x and y Least Squares Errors¶
In [149]:
x_ls = similary_4c_ls_errors[:, 0]
y_ls = similary_4c_ls_errors[:, 1]
madagascar_control_0_4['Mercat_x_ls_error'] = x_ls
madagascar_control_0_4['Mercat_y_ls_error'] = y_ls
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | ... | radians_longitude | radians_latitude | geo_longitude | geo_latitude | 2C_LCC_latitude | 2C_LCC_longitude | 2C_LCC_Easting | 2C_LCC_Northing | Mercat_x_ls_error | Mercat_y_ls_error | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 30.000000 | 0.000000 | -2.195950e+07 | -0.157902 | 3.453059e+06 | -2.731903e+05 | 8987.108011 | 8479.361796 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 1.044379 | 0.002659 | 59.838531 | 0.152346 | -2.197712e+07 | -0.314954 | 6.807916e+06 | -1.063426e+06 | -8987.108011 | 8479.361796 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 60.000000 | -30.000000 | -1.860714e+07 | -0.315804 | 5.779021e+06 | -4.272543e+06 | -8987.108011 | -8479.361796 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 0.526417 | -0.525900 | 30.161469 | -30.131848 | -1.859223e+07 | -0.158752 | 2.939169e+06 | -3.601068e+06 | 8987.108011 | -8479.361796 |
4 rows × 24 columns
In [150]:
In [151]:
similary_4c_east_transformed = a_4c * pixel_x_co - b_4c * pixel_y_co + t_x_4C
similary_4c_north_transformed = b_4c * pixel_x_co + a_4c *pixel_y_co + t_y_4C
In [152]:
Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed = madagascar_lambert_conical_conformal
Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_East_Mercator_Transformed'] = similary_4c_east_transformed
Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_North_Mercator_Transformed'] = similary_4c_north_transformed
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | ... | radians_longitude | radians_latitude | geo_longitude | geo_latitude | 2C_LCC_latitude | 2C_LCC_longitude | 2C_LCC_Easting | 2C_LCC_Northing | 4C_East_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_North_Mercator_Transformed | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 30.000000 | 0.000000 | -2.195950e+07 | -0.157902 | 3.453059e+06 | -2.731903e+05 | 3.348500e+06 | 8.479362e+03 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 1.044379 | 0.002659 | 59.838531 | 0.152346 | -2.197712e+07 | -0.314954 | 6.807916e+06 | -1.063426e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | 8.479362e+03 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 60.000000 | -30.000000 | -1.860714e+07 | -0.315804 | 5.779021e+06 | -4.272543e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | -3.511954e+06 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 0.526417 | -0.525900 | 30.161469 | -30.131848 | -1.859223e+07 | -0.158752 | 2.939169e+06 | -3.601068e+06 | 3.348500e+06 | -3.511954e+06 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 0.855269 | -0.214929 | 49.003285 | -12.314549 | -2.057093e+07 | -0.257924 | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -252 | ... | 0.877400 | -0.272313 | 50.271334 | -15.602402 | -2.020731e+07 | -0.264598 | 5.284643e+06 | -2.455461e+06 | 5.596008e+06 | -1.761682e+06 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -253 | ... | 0.864942 | -0.275377 | 49.557551 | -15.777931 | -2.018792e+07 | -0.260841 | 5.206332e+06 | -2.454471e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.781571e+06 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -259 | ... | 0.865038 | -0.293336 | 49.563025 | -16.806907 | -2.007433e+07 | -0.260870 | 5.177597e+06 | -2.564369e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.900908e+06 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | ... | 0.831292 | -0.396167 | 47.629541 | -22.698704 | -1.942331e+07 | -0.250693 | 4.818452e+06 | -3.143352e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -2.597039e+06 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -309 | ... | 0.819057 | -0.438978 | 46.928530 | -25.151600 | -1.915087e+07 | -0.247004 | 4.682382e+06 | -3.389872e+06 | 5.218109e+06 | -2.895381e+06 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -301 | ... | 0.759679 | -0.416554 | 43.526429 | -23.866814 | -1.929374e+07 | -0.229097 | 4.381574e+06 | -3.169877e+06 | 4.840209e+06 | -2.736265e+06 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | ... | 0.768573 | -0.332374 | 44.035995 | -19.043653 | -1.982745e+07 | -0.231779 | 4.554552e+06 | -2.662252e+06 | 4.899877e+06 | -2.159471e+06 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -256 | ... | 0.774555 | -0.284811 | 44.378747 | -16.318486 | -2.012824e+07 | -0.233583 | 4.658980e+06 | -2.377878e+06 | 4.939656e+06 | -1.841240e+06 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -254 | ... | 0.808826 | -0.278652 | 46.342334 | -15.965588 | -2.016720e+07 | -0.243918 | 4.870516e+06 | -2.389268e+06 | 5.158440e+06 | -1.801461e+06 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -242 | ... | 0.830464 | -0.242388 | 47.582104 | -13.887811 | -2.039677e+07 | -0.250444 | 5.055009e+06 | -2.199063e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -1.562787e+06 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 0.855269 | -0.214929 | 49.003285 | -12.314549 | -2.057093e+07 | -0.257924 | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 |
16 rows × 24 columns
In [236]:
# Plot the scatterplot with adjusted transparency and point size
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
plot = sns.scatterplot(
palette='coolwarm', # A harmonious color palette for better contrast
s=100, # Increase point size for better visibility
alpha=0.8 # Adjust transparency to improve overlapping point visibility
# Set title, axis labels, and font size
plot.set_title("Madagascar Points Displayed in Mercator Projection (4 control points)", fontsize=11, fontweight='bold')
plot.set_xlabel("East", fontsize=14)
plot.set_ylabel("North", fontsize=14)
# Adjust tick parameters for readability
plot.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20)
# Set the aspect ratio to 'equal' for accurate scaling
# Display the plot with tight layout to avoid label clipping
In [154]:
## formula on page 44
similary_4c_geo_latitude_rad = np.pi / 2 - 2 * np.arctan(np.exp(-Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_North_Mercator_Transformed'] / r))
similary_4c_geo_longitude_rad =Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_East_Mercator_Transformed'] / r
In [155]:
similary_4c_geo_longitude = similary_4c_geo_longitude_rad * (180 / np.pi)
similary_4c_geo_latitude = similary_4c_geo_latitude_rad * (180 / np.pi)
In [156]:
madagascar_transformed['4C_geo_longitude'] = similary_4c_geo_longitude
madagascar_transformed['4C_geo_latitude'] = similary_4c_geo_latitude
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | ... | geo_longitude | geo_latitude | 2C_LCC_latitude | 2C_LCC_longitude | 2C_LCC_Easting | 2C_LCC_Northing | 4C_East_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_North_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_geo_longitude | 4C_geo_latitude | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 30.000000 | 0.000000 | -2.195950e+07 | -0.157902 | 3.453059e+06 | -2.731903e+05 | 3.348500e+06 | 8.479362e+03 | 30.080734 | 0.076173 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 59.838531 | 0.152346 | -2.197712e+07 | -0.314954 | 6.807916e+06 | -1.063426e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | 8.479362e+03 | 59.919266 | 0.076173 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 60.000000 | -30.000000 | -1.860714e+07 | -0.315804 | 5.779021e+06 | -4.272543e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | -3.511954e+06 | 59.919266 | -30.065946 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 30.161469 | -30.131848 | -1.859223e+07 | -0.158752 | 2.939169e+06 | -3.601068e+06 | 3.348500e+06 | -3.511954e+06 | 30.080734 | -30.065946 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 49.003285 | -12.314549 | -2.057093e+07 | -0.257924 | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 | 49.020161 | -12.334602 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -252 | ... | 50.271334 | -15.602402 | -2.020731e+07 | -0.264598 | 5.284643e+06 | -2.455461e+06 | 5.596008e+06 | -1.761682e+06 | 50.270878 | -15.628320 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -253 | ... | 49.557551 | -15.777931 | -2.018792e+07 | -0.260841 | 5.206332e+06 | -2.454471e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.781571e+06 | 49.556183 | -15.800316 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -259 | ... | 49.563025 | -16.806907 | -2.007433e+07 | -0.260870 | 5.177597e+06 | -2.564369e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.900908e+06 | 49.556183 | -16.829175 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | ... | 47.629541 | -22.698704 | -1.942331e+07 | -0.250693 | 4.818452e+06 | -3.143352e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -2.597039e+06 | 47.590771 | -22.710906 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -309 | ... | 46.928530 | -25.151600 | -1.915087e+07 | -0.247004 | 4.682382e+06 | -3.389872e+06 | 5.218109e+06 | -2.895381e+06 | 46.876075 | -25.160270 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -301 | ... | 43.526429 | -23.866814 | -1.929374e+07 | -0.229097 | 4.381574e+06 | -3.169877e+06 | 4.840209e+06 | -2.736265e+06 | 43.481272 | -23.859723 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | ... | 44.035995 | -19.043653 | -1.982745e+07 | -0.231779 | 4.554552e+06 | -2.662252e+06 | 4.899877e+06 | -2.159471e+06 | 44.017294 | -19.038910 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -256 | ... | 44.378747 | -16.318486 | -2.012824e+07 | -0.233583 | 4.658980e+06 | -2.377878e+06 | 4.939656e+06 | -1.841240e+06 | 44.374642 | -16.315421 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -254 | ... | 46.342334 | -15.965588 | -2.016720e+07 | -0.243918 | 4.870516e+06 | -2.389268e+06 | 5.158440e+06 | -1.801461e+06 | 46.340054 | -15.972166 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -242 | ... | 47.582104 | -13.887811 | -2.039677e+07 | -0.250444 | 5.055009e+06 | -2.199063e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -1.562787e+06 | 47.590771 | -13.900652 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 49.003285 | -12.314549 | -2.057093e+07 | -0.257924 | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 | 49.020161 | -12.334602 |
16 rows × 26 columns
In [254]:
Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_geo_latitude'] = r * lcc_f/np.tan(np.pi/4+similary_4c_geo_latitude_rad /2)**lcc_n
In [255]:
Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_geo_longtitude'] = lcc_n * (similary_4c_geo_longitude_rad-phi_0rad)
In [256]:
Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_LCC_Easting']= np.sin(Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_geo_longtitude']) * Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_geo_latitude']
Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_LCC_Northing']= rho_0 - Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_geo_latitude'] * np.cos(Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_geo_longtitude'])
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | ... | 2C_LCC_Easting | 2C_LCC_Northing | 4C_East_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_North_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_geo_longitude | 4C_geo_latitude | 4C_geo_longtitude | 4C_LCC_Easting | 4C_LCC_Northing | Least Squares Fitting LCC residual | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 3.453059e+06 | -2.731903e+05 | 3.348500e+06 | 8.479362e+03 | 30.080734 | -2.196831e+07 | -0.158327 | 3.463662e+06 | -2.659638e+05 | 3.473859e+06 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 6.807916e+06 | -1.063426e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | 8.479362e+03 | 59.919266 | -2.196831e+07 | -0.315379 | 6.814062e+06 | -1.074696e+06 | 6.898291e+06 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 5.779021e+06 | -4.272543e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | -3.511954e+06 | 59.919266 | -1.859968e+07 | -0.315379 | 5.769192e+06 | -4.277179e+06 | 7.181771e+06 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 2.939169e+06 | -3.601068e+06 | 3.348500e+06 | -3.511954e+06 | 30.080734 | -1.859968e+07 | -0.158327 | 2.932543e+06 | -3.592458e+06 | 4.637409e+06 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 | 49.020161 | -2.056871e+07 | -0.258013 | 5.248302e+06 | -2.071645e+06 | 5.642374e+06 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -252 | ... | 5.284643e+06 | -2.455461e+06 | 5.596008e+06 | -1.761682e+06 | 50.270878 | -2.020444e+07 | -0.264596 | 5.283848e+06 | -2.458210e+06 | 5.827680e+06 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -253 | ... | 5.206332e+06 | -2.454471e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.781571e+06 | 49.556183 | -2.018545e+07 | -0.260834 | 5.205555e+06 | -2.456822e+06 | 5.756194e+06 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -259 | ... | 5.177597e+06 | -2.564369e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.900908e+06 | 49.556183 | -2.007187e+07 | -0.260834 | 5.176264e+06 | -2.566557e+06 | 5.777623e+06 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | ... | 4.818452e+06 | -3.143352e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -2.597039e+06 | 47.590771 | -1.942196e+07 | -0.250489 | 4.814277e+06 | -3.143679e+06 | 5.749781e+06 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -309 | ... | 4.682382e+06 | -3.389872e+06 | 5.218109e+06 | -2.895381e+06 | 46.876075 | -1.914991e+07 | -0.246728 | 4.677019e+06 | -3.389516e+06 | 5.776099e+06 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -301 | ... | 4.381574e+06 | -3.169877e+06 | 4.840209e+06 | -2.736265e+06 | 43.481272 | -1.929452e+07 | -0.228859 | 4.377286e+06 | -3.168069e+06 | 5.403452e+06 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | ... | 4.554552e+06 | -2.662252e+06 | 4.899877e+06 | -2.159471e+06 | 44.017294 | -1.982798e+07 | -0.231681 | 4.552773e+06 | -2.661294e+06 | 5.273540e+06 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -256 | ... | 4.658980e+06 | -2.377878e+06 | 4.939656e+06 | -1.841240e+06 | 44.374642 | -2.012858e+07 | -0.233562 | 4.658635e+06 | -2.377448e+06 | 5.230214e+06 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -254 | ... | 4.870516e+06 | -2.389268e+06 | 5.158440e+06 | -1.801461e+06 | 46.340054 | -2.016648e+07 | -0.243906 | 4.870105e+06 | -2.389914e+06 | 5.424907e+06 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -242 | ... | 5.055009e+06 | -2.199063e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -1.562787e+06 | 47.590771 | -2.039535e+07 | -0.250489 | 5.055558e+06 | -2.200669e+06 | 5.513766e+06 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 | 49.020161 | -2.056871e+07 | -0.258013 | 5.248302e+06 | -2.071645e+06 | 5.642374e+06 |
16 rows × 30 columns
In [257]:
# Plot the scatterplot with adjusted transparency and point size
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
plot = sns.scatterplot(
palette='coolwarm', # A harmonious color palette for better contrast
s=150, # Increase point size for better visibility
alpha=0.8 # Adjust transparency to improve overlapping point visibility
# Set title, axis labels, and font size
plot.set_title("Madagascar Points Displayed in Lambert Conformal Conic Projection (4 control points)", fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
plot.set_xlabel("Eastings (4C_LCC_Easting)", fontsize=8)
plot.set_ylabel("Northings (4C_LCC_Northing)", fontsize=8)
# Adjust tick parameters for readability
plot.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=8)
# Set the aspect ratio to 'equal' for accurate scaling
# Display the plot with tight layout to avoid label clipping
In [258]:
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | ... | 2C_LCC_Easting | 2C_LCC_Northing | 4C_East_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_North_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_geo_longitude | 4C_geo_latitude | 4C_geo_longtitude | 4C_LCC_Easting | 4C_LCC_Northing | Least Squares Fitting LCC residual | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 3.453059e+06 | -2.731903e+05 | 3.348500e+06 | 8.479362e+03 | 30.080734 | -2.196831e+07 | -0.158327 | 3.463662e+06 | -2.659638e+05 | 3.473859e+06 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 6.807916e+06 | -1.063426e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | 8.479362e+03 | 59.919266 | -2.196831e+07 | -0.315379 | 6.814062e+06 | -1.074696e+06 | 6.898291e+06 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 5.779021e+06 | -4.272543e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | -3.511954e+06 | 59.919266 | -1.859968e+07 | -0.315379 | 5.769192e+06 | -4.277179e+06 | 7.181771e+06 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 2.939169e+06 | -3.601068e+06 | 3.348500e+06 | -3.511954e+06 | 30.080734 | -1.859968e+07 | -0.158327 | 2.932543e+06 | -3.592458e+06 | 4.637409e+06 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 | 49.020161 | -2.056871e+07 | -0.258013 | 5.248302e+06 | -2.071645e+06 | 5.642374e+06 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -252 | ... | 5.284643e+06 | -2.455461e+06 | 5.596008e+06 | -1.761682e+06 | 50.270878 | -2.020444e+07 | -0.264596 | 5.283848e+06 | -2.458210e+06 | 5.827680e+06 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -253 | ... | 5.206332e+06 | -2.454471e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.781571e+06 | 49.556183 | -2.018545e+07 | -0.260834 | 5.205555e+06 | -2.456822e+06 | 5.756194e+06 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -259 | ... | 5.177597e+06 | -2.564369e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.900908e+06 | 49.556183 | -2.007187e+07 | -0.260834 | 5.176264e+06 | -2.566557e+06 | 5.777623e+06 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | ... | 4.818452e+06 | -3.143352e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -2.597039e+06 | 47.590771 | -1.942196e+07 | -0.250489 | 4.814277e+06 | -3.143679e+06 | 5.749781e+06 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -309 | ... | 4.682382e+06 | -3.389872e+06 | 5.218109e+06 | -2.895381e+06 | 46.876075 | -1.914991e+07 | -0.246728 | 4.677019e+06 | -3.389516e+06 | 5.776099e+06 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -301 | ... | 4.381574e+06 | -3.169877e+06 | 4.840209e+06 | -2.736265e+06 | 43.481272 | -1.929452e+07 | -0.228859 | 4.377286e+06 | -3.168069e+06 | 5.403452e+06 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | ... | 4.554552e+06 | -2.662252e+06 | 4.899877e+06 | -2.159471e+06 | 44.017294 | -1.982798e+07 | -0.231681 | 4.552773e+06 | -2.661294e+06 | 5.273540e+06 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -256 | ... | 4.658980e+06 | -2.377878e+06 | 4.939656e+06 | -1.841240e+06 | 44.374642 | -2.012858e+07 | -0.233562 | 4.658635e+06 | -2.377448e+06 | 5.230214e+06 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -254 | ... | 4.870516e+06 | -2.389268e+06 | 5.158440e+06 | -1.801461e+06 | 46.340054 | -2.016648e+07 | -0.243906 | 4.870105e+06 | -2.389914e+06 | 5.424907e+06 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -242 | ... | 5.055009e+06 | -2.199063e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -1.562787e+06 | 47.590771 | -2.039535e+07 | -0.250489 | 5.055558e+06 | -2.200669e+06 | 5.513766e+06 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 | 49.020161 | -2.056871e+07 | -0.258013 | 5.248302e+06 | -2.071645e+06 | 5.642374e+06 |
16 rows × 30 columns
In [259]:
#madagascar_control_0_4['Least Squares Fitting Mercator easting(x)']=similary_4c_lin_model[:,0]
#madagascar_control_0_4['Least Squares Fitting Mercator northing(y)']=similary_4c_lin_model[:,1]
In [164]:
Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['Least Squares Fitting LCC residual'] =np.sqrt((Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_LCC_Easting'])**2 + (Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed['4C_LCC_Northing'])**2)
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | ... | 2C_LCC_Easting | 2C_LCC_Northing | 4C_East_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_North_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_geo_longitude | 4C_geo_latitude | 4C_geo_longtitude | 4C_LCC_Easting | 4C_LCC_Northing | Least Squares Fitting LCC residual | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 3.453059e+06 | -2.731903e+05 | 3.348500e+06 | 8.479362e+03 | 30.080734 | -2.196831e+07 | -0.158327 | 3.463662e+06 | -2.659638e+05 | 3.473859e+06 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 6.807916e+06 | -1.063426e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | 8.479362e+03 | 59.919266 | -2.196831e+07 | -0.315379 | 6.814062e+06 | -1.074696e+06 | 6.898291e+06 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 5.779021e+06 | -4.272543e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | -3.511954e+06 | 59.919266 | -1.859968e+07 | -0.315379 | 5.769192e+06 | -4.277179e+06 | 7.181771e+06 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 2.939169e+06 | -3.601068e+06 | 3.348500e+06 | -3.511954e+06 | 30.080734 | -1.859968e+07 | -0.158327 | 2.932543e+06 | -3.592458e+06 | 4.637409e+06 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 | 49.020161 | -2.056871e+07 | -0.258013 | 5.248302e+06 | -2.071645e+06 | 5.642374e+06 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -252 | ... | 5.284643e+06 | -2.455461e+06 | 5.596008e+06 | -1.761682e+06 | 50.270878 | -2.020444e+07 | -0.264596 | 5.283848e+06 | -2.458210e+06 | 5.827680e+06 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -253 | ... | 5.206332e+06 | -2.454471e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.781571e+06 | 49.556183 | -2.018545e+07 | -0.260834 | 5.205555e+06 | -2.456822e+06 | 5.756194e+06 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -259 | ... | 5.177597e+06 | -2.564369e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.900908e+06 | 49.556183 | -2.007187e+07 | -0.260834 | 5.176264e+06 | -2.566557e+06 | 5.777623e+06 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | ... | 4.818452e+06 | -3.143352e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -2.597039e+06 | 47.590771 | -1.942196e+07 | -0.250489 | 4.814277e+06 | -3.143679e+06 | 5.749781e+06 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -309 | ... | 4.682382e+06 | -3.389872e+06 | 5.218109e+06 | -2.895381e+06 | 46.876075 | -1.914991e+07 | -0.246728 | 4.677019e+06 | -3.389516e+06 | 5.776099e+06 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -301 | ... | 4.381574e+06 | -3.169877e+06 | 4.840209e+06 | -2.736265e+06 | 43.481272 | -1.929452e+07 | -0.228859 | 4.377286e+06 | -3.168069e+06 | 5.403452e+06 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | ... | 4.554552e+06 | -2.662252e+06 | 4.899877e+06 | -2.159471e+06 | 44.017294 | -1.982798e+07 | -0.231681 | 4.552773e+06 | -2.661294e+06 | 5.273540e+06 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -256 | ... | 4.658980e+06 | -2.377878e+06 | 4.939656e+06 | -1.841240e+06 | 44.374642 | -2.012858e+07 | -0.233562 | 4.658635e+06 | -2.377448e+06 | 5.230214e+06 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -254 | ... | 4.870516e+06 | -2.389268e+06 | 5.158440e+06 | -1.801461e+06 | 46.340054 | -2.016648e+07 | -0.243906 | 4.870105e+06 | -2.389914e+06 | 5.424907e+06 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -242 | ... | 5.055009e+06 | -2.199063e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -1.562787e+06 | 47.590771 | -2.039535e+07 | -0.250489 | 5.055558e+06 | -2.200669e+06 | 5.513766e+06 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 | 49.020161 | -2.056871e+07 | -0.258013 | 5.248302e+06 | -2.071645e+06 | 5.642374e+06 |
16 rows × 30 columns
In [ ]:
In [246]:
# Plot the scatterplot with adjusted transparency and point size
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
plot = sns.scatterplot(
palette='coolwarm', # A harmonious color palette for better contrast
s=180, # Increase point size for better visibility
alpha=0.8 # Adjust transparency to improve overlapping point visibility
# Set title, axis labels, and font size
plot.set_title("Madagascar Lambert Conical Conformal (4 Control Points)", fontsize=18, fontweight='bold')
plot.set_xlabel("Eastings (4C_LCC_Easting)", fontsize=14)
plot.set_ylabel("Northings (4C_LCC_Northing)", fontsize=14)
# Adjust tick parameters for readability
plot.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12)
# Set the aspect ratio to 'equal' for accurate scaling
# Display the plot with tight layout to avoid label clipping
compare to mercator error¶
In [166]:
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | ... | radians_longitude | radians_latitude | geo_longitude | geo_latitude | 2C_LCC_latitude | 2C_LCC_longitude | 2C_LCC_Easting | 2C_LCC_Northing | Mercat_x_ls_error | Mercat_y_ls_error | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 30.000000 | 0.000000 | -2.195950e+07 | -0.157902 | 3.453059e+06 | -2.731903e+05 | 8987.108011 | 8479.361796 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | ... | 1.044379 | 0.002659 | 59.838531 | 0.152346 | -2.197712e+07 | -0.314954 | 6.807916e+06 | -1.063426e+06 | -8987.108011 | 8479.361796 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 60.000000 | -30.000000 | -1.860714e+07 | -0.315804 | 5.779021e+06 | -4.272543e+06 | -8987.108011 | -8479.361796 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | ... | 0.526417 | -0.525900 | 30.161469 | -30.131848 | -1.859223e+07 | -0.158752 | 2.939169e+06 | -3.601068e+06 | 8987.108011 | -8479.361796 |
4 rows × 24 columns
In [167]:
important_columns = ['crtl_pt_ID', 'Lat_deg_N','Long_deg_E', 'pixel_x','pixel_y', 'Lon_rad_E','Lat_rad_N', 'Mercator_Easting_Latitude','Mercator_Northing_Longitude', 'negative_y','2C_LCC_Easting', '2C_LCC_Northing','4C_East_Mercator_Transformed', '4C_North_Mercator_Transformed','4C_LCC_Easting', '4C_LCC_Northing']
processed_4c_madagascar_transformed = Similary_4C_madagascar_transformed[important_columns]
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | 2C_LCC_Easting | 2C_LCC_Northing | 4C_East_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_North_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_LCC_Easting | 4C_LCC_Northing | |
0 | A | 0.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 163 | 0.523599 | 0.000000 | 3.339513e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | 3.453059e+06 | -2.731903e+05 | 3.348500e+06 | 8.479362e+03 | 3.463662e+06 | -2.659638e+05 |
1 | B | 0.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 163 | 1.047198 | 0.000000 | 6.679026e+06 | -7.081002e-10 | -163 | 6.807916e+06 | -1.063426e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | 8.479362e+03 | 6.814062e+06 | -1.074696e+06 |
2 | C | -30.0 | 60.0 | 586 | 340 | 1.047198 | -0.523599 | 6.679026e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | 5.779021e+06 | -4.272543e+06 | 6.670039e+06 | -3.511954e+06 | 5.769192e+06 | -4.277179e+06 |
3 | D | -30.0 | 30.0 | 419 | 340 | 0.523599 | -0.523599 | 3.339513e+06 | -3.503475e+06 | -340 | 2.939169e+06 | -3.601068e+06 | 3.348500e+06 | -3.511954e+06 | 2.932543e+06 | -3.592458e+06 |
4 | C1 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 | 5.248302e+06 | -2.071645e+06 |
5 | C2 | NaN | NaN | 532 | 252 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -252 | 5.284643e+06 | -2.455461e+06 | 5.596008e+06 | -1.761682e+06 | 5.283848e+06 | -2.458210e+06 |
6 | C3 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 253 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -253 | 5.206332e+06 | -2.454471e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.781571e+06 | 5.205555e+06 | -2.456822e+06 |
7 | C4 | NaN | NaN | 528 | 259 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -259 | 5.177597e+06 | -2.564369e+06 | 5.516451e+06 | -1.900908e+06 | 5.176264e+06 | -2.566557e+06 |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | 4.818452e+06 | -3.143352e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -2.597039e+06 | 4.814277e+06 | -3.143679e+06 |
9 | C6 | NaN | NaN | 513 | 309 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -309 | 4.682382e+06 | -3.389872e+06 | 5.218109e+06 | -2.895381e+06 | 4.677019e+06 | -3.389516e+06 |
10 | C7 | NaN | NaN | 494 | 301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -301 | 4.381574e+06 | -3.169877e+06 | 4.840209e+06 | -2.736265e+06 | 4.377286e+06 | -3.168069e+06 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | 4.554552e+06 | -2.662252e+06 | 4.899877e+06 | -2.159471e+06 | 4.552773e+06 | -2.661294e+06 |
12 | C9 | NaN | NaN | 499 | 256 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -256 | 4.658980e+06 | -2.377878e+06 | 4.939656e+06 | -1.841240e+06 | 4.658635e+06 | -2.377448e+06 |
13 | C10 | NaN | NaN | 510 | 254 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -254 | 4.870516e+06 | -2.389268e+06 | 5.158440e+06 | -1.801461e+06 | 4.870105e+06 | -2.389914e+06 |
14 | C11 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 242 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -242 | 5.055009e+06 | -2.199063e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -1.562787e+06 | 5.055558e+06 | -2.200669e+06 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 | 5.248302e+06 | -2.071645e+06 |
Geographical distance¶
The provided code calculates the great-circle distance between geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) on the Earth's surface using spherical trigonometry. It extracts coordinates for specific points, converts them from degrees to radians, and applies the cosine formula for spherical distances. The formula computes the cosine of the angular distance using latitude and longitude differences. The arccosine function then determines the angle in radians, which is multiplied by the Earth's radius (6378 km) to derive the actual distance in kilometers. This process is repeated for multiple pairs of points, and the total distance is obtained by summing the individual segment distances. The output includes precise great-circle distances between the specified points, rounded to four decimal places.¶
In [168]:
flight_coordinates= madagascar_transformed1.iloc[[8,11,15]].copy()
crtl_pt_ID | Lat_deg_N | Long_deg_E | pixel_x | pixel_y | Lon_rad_E | Lat_rad_N | Mercator_Easting_Latitude | Mercator_Northing_Longitude | negative_y | ... | 2C_LCC_Easting | 2C_LCC_Northing | 4C_East_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_North_Mercator_Transformed | 4C_geo_longitude | 4C_geo_latitude | 4C_geo_longtitude | 4C_LCC_Easting | 4C_LCC_Northing | Least Squares Fitting LCC residual | |
8 | C5 | NaN | NaN | 517 | 294 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -294 | ... | 4.818452e+06 | -3.143352e+06 | 5.297667e+06 | -2.597039e+06 | 47.590771 | -1.942196e+07 | -0.250489 | 4.814277e+06 | -3.143679e+06 | 5.749781e+06 |
11 | C8 | NaN | NaN | 497 | 272 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -272 | ... | 4.554552e+06 | -2.662252e+06 | 4.899877e+06 | -2.159471e+06 | 44.017294 | -1.982798e+07 | -0.231681 | 4.552773e+06 | -2.661294e+06 | 5.273540e+06 |
15 | C12 | NaN | NaN | 525 | 233 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | -233 | ... | 5.247102e+06 | -2.069030e+06 | 5.456782e+06 | -1.383782e+06 | 49.020161 | -2.056871e+07 | -0.258013 | 5.248302e+06 | -2.071645e+06 | 5.642374e+06 |
3 rows × 30 columns
In [169]:
point_8_latitude = flight_coordinates['geo_latitude'].iloc[1]
point_8_longitude = flight_coordinates['geo_longitude'].iloc[1]
In [170]:
point_8_rad_latitude = np.radians(point_8_latitude)
point_8_rad_longitude = np.radians(point_8_longitude)
In [171]:
point_12_latitude = flight_coordinates['geo_latitude'].iloc[2]
point_12_longitude = flight_coordinates['geo_longitude'].iloc[2]
point_12_rad_latitude = np.radians(point_12_latitude)
point_12_rad_longitude = np.radians(point_12_longitude)
In [172]:
point_12_rad_latitude = np.radians(flight_coordinates['geo_latitude'].iloc[2])
point_12_rad_longitude = np.radians(flight_coordinates['geo_longitude'].iloc[2])
In [173]:
cos_n = (np.sin(point_8_rad_latitude) * np.sin(point_12_rad_latitude) +
np.cos(point_8_rad_latitude) * np.cos(point_12_rad_latitude) *
np.cos(point_12_rad_longitude - point_8_rad_longitude))
In [174]:
n_radians = np.arccos(cos_n)
n_degrees = np.rad2deg(n_radians)
_arc = np.array((n_radians, n_degrees))
round_arc= np.round(_arc,4)
In [175]:
earth_radius_km = 6378
distance_12_8_km = earth_radius_km * n_radians
In [176]:
point_5_latitude = flight_coordinates['geo_latitude'].iloc[0]
point_5_longitude = flight_coordinates['geo_longitude'].iloc[0]
In [177]:
point_5_rad_latitude = np.radians(flight_coordinates['geo_latitude'].iloc[0])
point_5_rad_longitude = np.radians(flight_coordinates['geo_longitude'].iloc[0])
In [178]:
cos_n = (np.sin(point_5_rad_latitude) * np.sin(point_8_rad_latitude) +
np.cos(point_5_rad_latitude) * np.cos(point_8_rad_latitude) *
np.cos(point_8_rad_longitude - point_5_rad_longitude))
In [179]:
n_radians = np.arccos(cos_n)
n_degrees = np.rad2deg(n_radians)
round_arc= np.round(_arc,4)
In [180]:
distance_8_5_km = earth_radius_km * n_radians
In [181]:
total_distance=distance_12_8_km + distance_8_5_km
print(str(total_distance) + ' km')
1471.1765624218322 km
Mercator distance(2 controls point)¶
This code calculates the Euclidean distances between three points in the Mercator projection coordinate system. First, the coordinates of points 8, 12, and 5 are extracted. The distance between points 8 and 12 is calculated using the Euclidean distance formula, and the result is converted from meters to kilometers by dividing by 1000. Similarly, the distance between points 8 and 5 is computed and converted to kilometers. Finally, the total distance in the Mercator projection is obtained by summing these two segment distances.¶
In [182]:
point_8_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[1]
point_8_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[1]
point_12_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[2]
point_12_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[2]
distance_12_8_mercator_2c = np.sqrt((point_12_mercator_longitude - point_8_mercator_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_mercator_latitude - point_8_mercator_latitude)**2)
distance_12_8_mercator_km_2c = distance_12_8_mercator_2c / 1000
point_5_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[0]
point_5_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[0]
distance_8_5_mercator_2c = np.sqrt((point_8_mercator_longitude - point_5_mercator_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_mercator_latitude - point_5_mercator_latitude)**2)
distance_8_5_mercator_km_2c = distance_8_5_mercator_2c / 1000
total_mercator_projection_distance_2c= distance_12_8_mercator_km_2c + distance_8_5_mercator_km_2c
print(str(total_mercator_projection_distance_2c) + ' km')
1547.8721224618705 km
In [183]:
# Extract coordinates for the points
point_8_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[1]
point_8_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[1]
point_12_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[2]
point_12_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[2]
point_5_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[0]
point_5_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[0]
# Calculate distance between C12 and C8
distance_12_8_mercator = np.sqrt((point_12_mercator_longitude - point_8_mercator_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_mercator_latitude - point_8_mercator_latitude)**2)
distance_12_8_mercator_km = distance_12_8_mercator / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Calculate distance between C8 and C5
distance_8_5_mercator = np.sqrt((point_8_mercator_longitude - point_5_mercator_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_mercator_latitude - point_5_mercator_latitude)**2)
distance_8_5_mercator_km = distance_8_5_mercator / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Calculate total distance
total_mercator_projection_distance = distance_12_8_mercator_km + distance_8_5_mercator_km
print(str(total_mercator_projection_distance) + ' km')
# Plot the flight route
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
# Plot the route from C12 to C8
plt.plot([point_12_mercator_longitude, point_8_mercator_longitude],
[point_12_mercator_latitude, point_8_mercator_latitude],
color='blue', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8")
# Plot the route from C8 to C5
plt.plot([point_8_mercator_longitude, point_5_mercator_longitude],
[point_8_mercator_latitude, point_5_mercator_latitude],
color='red', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C8 to C5")
# Annotate the points
plt.text(point_12_mercator_longitude, point_12_mercator_latitude, 'C12', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_8_mercator_longitude, point_8_mercator_latitude, 'C8', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_5_mercator_longitude, point_5_mercator_latitude, 'C5', fontsize=12, ha='right')
# Set the title and labels
plt.title("Flight Route-Mercator distance(2 controls point)")
# Show the legend
# Display the plot
1547.8721224618705 km
Mercator distance(4 controls point)¶
This code calculates the Euclidean distances between three points in the Mercator projection coordinate system. First, the coordinates of points 8, 12, and 5 are extracted. The distance between points 8 and 12 is calculated using the Euclidean distance formula, and the result is converted from meters to kilometers by dividing by 1000. Similarly, the distance between points 8 and 5 is computed and converted to kilometers. Finally, the total distance in the Mercator projection is obtained by summing these two segment distances.¶
In [184]:
point_8_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[1]
point_8_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[1]
In [185]:
point_12_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[2]
point_12_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[2]
In [186]:
distance_12_8_mercator = np.sqrt((point_12_mercator_longitude - point_8_mercator_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_mercator_latitude - point_8_mercator_latitude)**2)
In [187]:
distance_12_8_mercator_km = distance_12_8_mercator / 1000
In [188]:
point_5_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[0]
point_5_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[0]
In [189]:
distance_8_5_mercator = np.sqrt((point_8_mercator_longitude - point_5_mercator_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_mercator_latitude - point_5_mercator_latitude)**2)
In [190]:
distance_8_5_mercator_km = distance_8_5_mercator / 1000
In [191]:
total_mercator_projection_distance=distance_12_8_mercator_km + distance_8_5_mercator_km
print(str(total_mercator_projection_distance) + ' km')
1546.2770660005715 km
In [192]:
# Extract coordinates for the points from the transformed flight coordinates
point_8_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[1]
point_8_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[1]
point_12_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[2]
point_12_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[2]
point_5_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[0]
point_5_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[0]
# Calculate distance between C12 and C8
distance_12_8_mercator = np.sqrt((point_12_mercator_longitude - point_8_mercator_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_mercator_latitude - point_8_mercator_latitude)**2)
distance_12_8_mercator_km = distance_12_8_mercator / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Calculate distance between C8 and C5
distance_8_5_mercator = np.sqrt((point_8_mercator_longitude - point_5_mercator_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_mercator_latitude - point_5_mercator_latitude)**2)
distance_8_5_mercator_km = distance_8_5_mercator / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Calculate total distance
total_mercator_projection_distance = distance_12_8_mercator_km + distance_8_5_mercator_km
print(f'Total distance: {total_mercator_projection_distance} km')
# Plot the flight route
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
# Plot the route from C12 to C8
plt.plot([point_12_mercator_longitude, point_8_mercator_longitude],
[point_12_mercator_latitude, point_8_mercator_latitude],
color='blue', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8")
# Plot the route from C8 to C5
plt.plot([point_8_mercator_longitude, point_5_mercator_longitude],
[point_8_mercator_latitude, point_5_mercator_latitude],
color='red', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C8 to C5")
# Annotate the points on the plot
plt.text(point_12_mercator_longitude, point_12_mercator_latitude, 'C12', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_8_mercator_longitude, point_8_mercator_latitude, 'C8', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_5_mercator_longitude, point_5_mercator_latitude, 'C5', fontsize=12, ha='right')
# Set the title and labels for the plot
plt.title("Flight Route-Mercator distance(4 controls point)")
# Display the legend
# Show the plot
Total distance: 1546.2770660005715 km
Lambert distance(2 controls point)¶
This code calculates the Euclidean distances between three points in the Lambert distance projection coordinate system. First, the coordinates of points 8, 12, and 5 are extracted. The distance between points 8 and 12 is calculated using the Euclidean distance formula, and the result is converted from meters to kilometers by dividing by 1000. Similarly, the distance between points 8 and 5 is computed and converted to kilometers. Finally, the total distance in the Mercator projection is obtained by summing these two segment distances.¶
In [193]:
point_8_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[1]
point_8_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[1]
In [194]:
pt12_l_lat = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[2]
pt12_l_long = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[2]
In [195]:
dist_12_8_l = np.sqrt((pt12_l_long - point_8_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(pt12_l_lat - point_8_lambert_latitude)**2)
In [196]:
dist_12_8_l_km = dist_12_8_l / 1000
In [197]:
print('the Lambert Conformal Conic projection distance between 12 and 8 is {} km'.format(np.round(dist_12_8_l_km,1)))
the Lambert Conformal Conic projection distance between 12 and 8 is 911.9 km
In [198]:
point_5_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[0]
point_5_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[0]
In [199]:
distance_8_5_lambert = np.sqrt((point_8_lambert_longitude - point_5_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_lambert_latitude - point_5_lambert_latitude)**2)
In [200]:
distance_8_5_lambert_km = distance_8_5_lambert/1000
In [201]:
total_l_dist=dist_12_8_l_km + distance_8_5_lambert_km
print(str(total_l_dist) + ' km')
1460.612996865721 km
In [202]:
# Extract coordinates for the points in Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) projection
point_8_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[1]
point_8_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[1]
pt12_l_lat = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[2]
pt12_l_long = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[2]
point_5_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[0]
point_5_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[0]
# Calculate the distance between C12 and C8 in Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) coordinates
dist_12_8_l = np.sqrt((pt12_l_long - point_8_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(pt12_l_lat - point_8_lambert_latitude)**2)
dist_12_8_l_km = dist_12_8_l / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Calculate the distance between C8 and C5 in Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) coordinates
distance_8_5_lambert = np.sqrt((point_8_lambert_longitude - point_5_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_lambert_latitude - point_5_lambert_latitude)**2)
distance_8_5_lambert_km = distance_8_5_lambert / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Calculate total distance from C12 to C8 to C5
total_lambert_projection_distance = dist_12_8_l_km + distance_8_5_lambert_km
print(f'Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5: {total_lambert_projection_distance} km')
# Plot the flight route
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
# Plot the route from C12 to C8
plt.plot([pt12_l_long, point_8_lambert_longitude],
[pt12_l_lat, point_8_lambert_latitude],
color='blue', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8")
# Plot the route from C8 to C5
plt.plot([point_8_lambert_longitude, point_5_lambert_longitude],
[point_8_lambert_latitude, point_5_lambert_latitude],
color='red', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C8 to C5")
# Annotate the points on the plot
plt.text(pt12_l_long, pt12_l_lat, 'C12', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_8_lambert_longitude, point_8_lambert_latitude, 'C8', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_5_lambert_longitude, point_5_lambert_latitude, 'C5', fontsize=12, ha='right')
# Set the title and labels for the plot
plt.title("Flight Route from C12 to C8 to C5 (Lambert Conformal Conic Projection)")
plt.xlabel("Easting (Longitude in Lambert Conformal Conic)")
plt.ylabel("Northing (Latitude in Lambert Conformal Conic)")
# Display the legend
# Show the plot
Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5: 1460.612996865721 km
Lambert distance (4 control points)¶
This code calculates the Euclidean distances between three points in the Lambert distance projection coordinate system. First, the coordinates of points 8, 12, and 5 are extracted. The distance between points 8 and 12 is calculated using the Euclidean distance formula, and the result is converted from meters to kilometers by dividing by 1000. Similarly, the distance between points 8 and 5 is computed and converted to kilometers. Finally, the total distance in the Mercator projection is obtained by summing these two segment distances.¶
In [203]:
point_8_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[1]
point_8_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[1]
In [204]:
point_12_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[2]
point_12_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[2]
In [205]:
distance_12_8_4c_lambert = np.sqrt((point_12_4c_lambert_longitude - point_8_4c_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_4c_lambert_latitude - point_8_4c_lambert_latitude)**2)
In [206]:
distance_12_8_4c_lambert_km = distance_12_8_4c_lambert / 1000
In [207]:
print('the Lambert Conformal Conic projection distance between 12 and 8 is {} km (4 control points)'.format(np.round(distance_12_8_4c_lambert_km,1)))
the Lambert Conformal Conic projection distance between 12 and 8 is 911.8 km (4 control points)
In [208]:
point_5_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[0]
point_5_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[0]
In [209]:
distance_8_5_4c_lambert = np.sqrt((point_8_4c_lambert_longitude - point_5_4c_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_4c_lambert_latitude - point_5_4c_lambert_latitude)**2)
In [210]:
distance_8_5_4c_lambert_km = distance_8_5_4c_lambert/1000
In [211]:
total_lambert_projection_4c_distance=distance_12_8_4c_lambert_km + distance_8_5_4c_lambert_km
print(str(total_lambert_projection_4c_distance) + ' km')
1460.5443208825818 km
In [212]:
# Extract coordinates for the points in the 4C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) projection
point_8_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[1]
point_8_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[1]
point_12_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[2]
point_12_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[2]
point_5_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[0]
point_5_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[0]
# Calculate the distance between C12 and C8 in 4C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) coordinates
distance_12_8_4c_lambert = np.sqrt((point_12_4c_lambert_longitude - point_8_4c_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_4c_lambert_latitude - point_8_4c_lambert_latitude)**2)
distance_12_8_4c_lambert_km = distance_12_8_4c_lambert / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Calculate the distance between C8 and C5 in 4C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) coordinates
distance_8_5_4c_lambert = np.sqrt((point_8_4c_lambert_longitude - point_5_4c_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_4c_lambert_latitude - point_5_4c_lambert_latitude)**2)
distance_8_5_4c_lambert_km = distance_8_5_4c_lambert / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Calculate total distance from C12 to C8 to C5
total_4c_lambert_projection_distance = distance_12_8_4c_lambert_km + distance_8_5_4c_lambert_km
print(f'Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5: {total_4c_lambert_projection_distance} km')
# Plot the flight route using Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) coordinates
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
# Plot the route from C12 to C8
plt.plot([point_12_4c_lambert_longitude, point_8_4c_lambert_longitude],
[point_12_4c_lambert_latitude, point_8_4c_lambert_latitude],
color='blue', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8")
# Plot the route from C8 to C5
plt.plot([point_8_4c_lambert_longitude, point_5_4c_lambert_longitude],
[point_8_4c_lambert_latitude, point_5_4c_lambert_latitude],
color='red', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C8 to C5")
# Annotate the points on the plot
plt.text(point_12_4c_lambert_longitude, point_12_4c_lambert_latitude, 'C12', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_8_4c_lambert_longitude, point_8_4c_lambert_latitude, 'C8', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_5_4c_lambert_longitude, point_5_4c_lambert_latitude, 'C5', fontsize=12, ha='right')
# Set the title and labels for the plot
plt.title("Flight Route from C12 to C8 to C5 (4C Lambert Conformal Conic Projection)")
plt.xlabel("Easting (Longitude in Lambert Conformal Conic)")
plt.ylabel("Northing (Latitude in Lambert Conformal Conic)")
# Display the legend
# Show the plot
Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5: 1460.5443208825818 km
Flight Route Comparison¶
Flight Route Comparison: 2C vs 4C Mercator¶
In [213]:
# 2C Mercator Projection (First Set of Coordinates)
point_8_2C_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[1]
point_8_2C_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[1]
point_12_2C_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[2]
point_12_2C_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[2]
point_5_2C_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[0]
point_5_2C_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[0]
# 4C Mercator Projection (Second Set of Coordinates)
point_8_4C_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[1]
point_8_4C_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[1]
point_12_4C_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[2]
point_12_4C_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[2]
point_5_4C_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[0]
point_5_4C_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[0]
# Calculate Distance for 2C Mercator Projection
distance_12_8_mercator_2C = np.sqrt((point_12_2C_longitude - point_8_2C_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_2C_latitude - point_8_2C_latitude)**2)
distance_12_8_mercator_km_2C = distance_12_8_mercator_2C / 1000
distance_8_5_mercator_2C = np.sqrt((point_8_2C_longitude - point_5_2C_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_2C_latitude - point_5_2C_latitude)**2)
distance_8_5_mercator_km_2C = distance_8_5_mercator_2C / 1000
total_mercator_projection_distance_2C = distance_12_8_mercator_km_2C + distance_8_5_mercator_km_2C
print(f"Total distance 2C Mercator: {total_mercator_projection_distance_2C} km")
# Calculate Distance for 4C Mercator Projection
distance_12_8_mercator_4C = np.sqrt((point_12_4C_longitude - point_8_4C_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_4C_latitude - point_8_4C_latitude)**2)
distance_12_8_mercator_km_4C = distance_12_8_mercator_4C / 1000
distance_8_5_mercator_4C = np.sqrt((point_8_4C_longitude - point_5_4C_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_4C_latitude - point_5_4C_latitude)**2)
distance_8_5_mercator_km_4C = distance_8_5_mercator_4C / 1000
total_mercator_projection_distance_4C = distance_12_8_mercator_km_4C + distance_8_5_mercator_km_4C
print(f"Total distance 4C Mercator: {total_mercator_projection_distance_4C} km")
# Plot the flight route for both projections
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
# Plot the route from C12 to C8 for 2C Mercator
plt.plot([point_12_2C_longitude, point_8_2C_longitude],
[point_12_2C_latitude, point_8_2C_latitude],
color='blue', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8 (2C)")
# Plot the route from C8 to C5 for 2C Mercator
plt.plot([point_8_2C_longitude, point_5_2C_longitude],
[point_8_2C_latitude, point_5_2C_latitude],
color='red', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C8 to C5 (2C)")
# Plot the route from C12 to C8 for 4C Mercator
plt.plot([point_12_4C_longitude, point_8_4C_longitude],
[point_12_4C_latitude, point_8_4C_latitude],
color='green', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8 (4C)")
# Plot the route from C8 to C5 for 4C Mercator
plt.plot([point_8_4C_longitude, point_5_4C_longitude],
[point_8_4C_latitude, point_5_4C_latitude],
color='purple', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C8 to C5 (4C)")
# Annotate the points
plt.text(point_12_2C_longitude, point_12_2C_latitude, 'C12 (2C)', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_8_2C_longitude, point_8_2C_latitude, 'C8 (2C)', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_5_2C_longitude, point_5_2C_latitude, 'C5 (2C)', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_12_4C_longitude, point_12_4C_latitude, 'C12 (4C)', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_8_4C_longitude, point_8_4C_latitude, 'C8 (4C)', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_5_4C_longitude, point_5_4C_latitude, 'C5 (4C)', fontsize=12, ha='right')
# Set the title and labels
plt.title("Flight Route Comparison: 2C vs 4C Mercator")
# Display the legend
# Show the plot
Total distance 2C Mercator: 1547.8721224618705 km Total distance 4C Mercator: 1546.2770660005715 km
Flight Route(Comparison of 2C and 4C Lambert Conformal Conic Projections)¶
In [214]:
# Extract coordinates for the points in the 2C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) projection
point_8_2c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[1]
point_8_2c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[1]
point_12_2c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[2]
point_12_2c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[2]
point_5_2c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[0]
point_5_2c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[0]
# Calculate the distance between C12 and C8 in 2C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) coordinates
distance_12_8_2c_lambert = np.sqrt((point_12_2c_lambert_longitude - point_8_2c_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_2c_lambert_latitude - point_8_2c_lambert_latitude)**2)
distance_12_8_2c_lambert_km = distance_12_8_2c_lambert / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Calculate the distance between C8 and C5 in 2C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) coordinates
distance_8_5_2c_lambert = np.sqrt((point_8_2c_lambert_longitude - point_5_2c_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_2c_lambert_latitude - point_5_2c_lambert_latitude)**2)
distance_8_5_2c_lambert_km = distance_8_5_2c_lambert / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Total distance in 2C Lambert Conformal Conic projection
total_2c_lambert_projection_distance = distance_12_8_2c_lambert_km + distance_8_5_2c_lambert_km
# Extract coordinates for the points in the 4C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) projection
point_8_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[1]
point_8_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[1]
point_12_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[2]
point_12_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[2]
point_5_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[0]
point_5_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[0]
# Calculate the distance between C12 and C8 in 4C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) coordinates
distance_12_8_4c_lambert = np.sqrt((point_12_4c_lambert_longitude - point_8_4c_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_4c_lambert_latitude - point_8_4c_lambert_latitude)**2)
distance_12_8_4c_lambert_km = distance_12_8_4c_lambert / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Calculate the distance between C8 and C5 in 4C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) coordinates
distance_8_5_4c_lambert = np.sqrt((point_8_4c_lambert_longitude - point_5_4c_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_4c_lambert_latitude - point_5_4c_lambert_latitude)**2)
distance_8_5_4c_lambert_km = distance_8_5_4c_lambert / 1000 # Convert to kilometers
# Total distance in 4C Lambert Conformal Conic projection
total_4c_lambert_projection_distance = distance_12_8_4c_lambert_km + distance_8_5_4c_lambert_km
# Create a figure with larger size for better visibility
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
# Plot the route from C12 to C8 for 2C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC)
plt.plot([point_12_2c_lambert_longitude, point_8_2c_lambert_longitude],
[point_12_2c_lambert_latitude, point_8_2c_lambert_latitude],
color='blue', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8 (2C LCC)", linewidth=3)
# Plot the route from C8 to C5 for 2C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC)
plt.plot([point_8_2c_lambert_longitude, point_5_2c_lambert_longitude],
[point_8_2c_lambert_latitude, point_5_2c_lambert_latitude],
color='blue', marker='o', markersize=8, linestyle='--', label="C8 to C5 (2C LCC)", linewidth=3)
# Plot the route from C12 to C8 for 4C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC)
plt.plot([point_12_4c_lambert_longitude, point_8_4c_lambert_longitude],
[point_12_4c_lambert_latitude, point_8_4c_lambert_latitude],
color='red', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8 (4C LCC)", linewidth=3)
# Plot the route from C8 to C5 for 4C Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC)
plt.plot([point_8_4c_lambert_longitude, point_5_4c_lambert_longitude],
[point_8_4c_lambert_latitude, point_5_4c_lambert_latitude],
color='red', marker='o', markersize=8, linestyle='--', label="C8 to C5 (4C LCC)", linewidth=3)
# Annotate the points on the plot
plt.text(point_12_2c_lambert_longitude, point_12_2c_lambert_latitude, 'C12', fontsize=14, ha='right')
plt.text(point_8_2c_lambert_longitude, point_8_2c_lambert_latitude, 'C8', fontsize=14, ha='right')
plt.text(point_5_2c_lambert_longitude, point_5_2c_lambert_latitude, 'C5', fontsize=14, ha='right')
plt.text(point_12_4c_lambert_longitude, point_12_4c_lambert_latitude, 'C12', fontsize=14, ha='right')
plt.text(point_8_4c_lambert_longitude, point_8_4c_lambert_latitude, 'C8', fontsize=14, ha='right')
plt.text(point_5_4c_lambert_longitude, point_5_4c_lambert_latitude, 'C5', fontsize=14, ha='right')
# Set the title and labels for the plot
plt.title("Flight Route(Comparison of 2C and 4C Lambert Conformal Conic Projections)", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("Easting (Longitude in Lambert Conformal Conic)", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("Northing (Latitude in Lambert Conformal Conic)", fontsize=14)
# Display the legend
# Show the plot
# Print total distances
print(f'Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5 (2C LCC): {total_2c_lambert_projection_distance} km')
print(f'Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5 (4C LCC): {total_4c_lambert_projection_distance} km')
Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5 (2C LCC): 1460.612996865721 km Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5 (4C LCC): 1460.5443208825818 km
Flight Route (Comparison of 2C Mercator vs Lambert Conformal Conic)¶
The code first extracts the latitude and longitude coordinates of C12, C8, and C5 under the Mercator projection from the flight_coordinates
dataframe. It then calculates the distances between C12 and C8, and between C8 and C5 using the Euclidean distance formula, converting the units to kilometers. Next, the code plots the flight route with two segments, from C12 to C8 and from C8 to C5, using blue and red lines, respectively. The positions of C12, C8, and C5 are annotated on the plot. Finally, the chart's title, axis labels are set, and the legend and the final chart are displayed.¶
In [215]:
# Define Mercator Projection Coordinates
point_8_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[1]
point_8_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[1]
point_12_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[2]
point_12_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[2]
point_5_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_y_2c'].iloc[0]
point_5_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['mercator_x_2c'].iloc[0]
# Define Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Coordinates
point_8_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[1]
point_8_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[1]
pt12_l_lat = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[2]
pt12_l_long = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[2]
point_5_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[0]
point_5_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['2C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[0]
# Plotting the Flight Route from C12 to C8 to C5 (Mercator and Lambert Comparison)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
# Plot the Mercator route (C12 to C8)
plt.plot([point_12_mercator_longitude, point_8_mercator_longitude],
[point_12_mercator_latitude, point_8_mercator_latitude],
color='blue', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8 (Mercator)")
# Plot the Mercator route (C8 to C5)
plt.plot([point_8_mercator_longitude, point_5_mercator_longitude],
[point_8_mercator_latitude, point_5_mercator_latitude],
color='red', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C8 to C5 (Mercator)")
# Plot the Lambert route (C12 to C8)
plt.plot([pt12_l_long, point_8_lambert_longitude],
[pt12_l_lat, point_8_lambert_latitude],
color='green', marker='x', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8 (Lambert)")
# Plot the Lambert route (C8 to C5)
plt.plot([point_8_lambert_longitude, point_5_lambert_longitude],
[point_8_lambert_latitude, point_5_lambert_latitude],
color='orange', marker='x', markersize=8, label="C8 to C5 (Lambert)")
# Annotate points
plt.text(point_12_mercator_longitude, point_12_mercator_latitude, 'C12 (Mercator)', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_8_mercator_longitude, point_8_mercator_latitude, 'C8 (Mercator)', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_5_mercator_longitude, point_5_mercator_latitude, 'C5 (Mercator)', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(pt12_l_long, pt12_l_lat, 'C12 (Lambert)', fontsize=12, ha='left')
plt.text(point_8_lambert_longitude, point_8_lambert_latitude, 'C8 (Lambert)', fontsize=12, ha='left')
plt.text(point_5_lambert_longitude, point_5_lambert_latitude, 'C5 (Lambert)', fontsize=12, ha='left')
# Set the title and labels
plt.title("Flight Route Comparison: Mercator vs Lambert Conformal Conic(2C)", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel("Longitude / Easting", fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel("Latitude / Northing", fontsize=12)
# Display the grid for better readability
plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.7)
# Show the legend
# Adjust layout for better spacing
# Show the plot
Flight Route(Comparison between 4C Mercator Projection and 4C Lambert Projection)¶
the code compares the flight routes between points C12, C8, and C5 under two different map projections: 4C Lambert and 4C Mercator, calculating the distances in each projection and displaying the results on respective plots.¶
In [216]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# 1. 提取坐标:从 flight_coordinates 数据框中提取 Mercator 投影下的坐标
point_8_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[1]
point_8_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[1]
point_12_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[2]
point_12_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[2]
point_5_4c_lambert_latitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Northing'].iloc[0]
point_5_4c_lambert_longitude = flight_coordinates['4C_LCC_Easting'].iloc[0]
# 2. 计算距离:使用欧几里得距离公式计算 C12 到 C8、C8 到 C5 的距离 (4C Lambert 投影)
distance_12_8_4c_lambert = np.sqrt((point_12_4c_lambert_longitude - point_8_4c_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_4c_lambert_latitude - point_8_4c_lambert_latitude)**2)
distance_12_8_4c_lambert_km = distance_12_8_4c_lambert / 1000 # 转换为千米
distance_8_5_4c_lambert = np.sqrt((point_8_4c_lambert_longitude - point_5_4c_lambert_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_4c_lambert_latitude - point_5_4c_lambert_latitude)**2)
distance_8_5_4c_lambert_km = distance_8_5_4c_lambert / 1000 # 转换为千米
total_4c_lambert_projection_distance = distance_12_8_4c_lambert_km + distance_8_5_4c_lambert_km
print(f'Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5 (4C Lambert): {total_4c_lambert_projection_distance} km')
# 3. 绘制航程:使用 4C Lambert 投影下的坐标绘制航程
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
# 绘制 C12 到 C8 的航程(4C Lambert)
plt.plot([point_12_4c_lambert_longitude, point_8_4c_lambert_longitude],
[point_12_4c_lambert_latitude, point_8_4c_lambert_latitude],
color='blue', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8 (4C Lambert)")
# 绘制 C8 到 C5 的航程(4C Lambert)
plt.plot([point_8_4c_lambert_longitude, point_5_4c_lambert_longitude],
[point_8_4c_lambert_latitude, point_5_4c_lambert_latitude],
color='red', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C8 to C5 (4C Lambert)")
# 标注控制点
plt.text(point_12_4c_lambert_longitude, point_12_4c_lambert_latitude, 'C12', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_8_4c_lambert_longitude, point_8_4c_lambert_latitude, 'C8', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_5_4c_lambert_longitude, point_5_4c_lambert_latitude, 'C5', fontsize=12, ha='right')
# 设置标题和坐标轴标签
plt.title("Flight Route from C12 to C8 to C5 (4C Lambert Conformal Conic Projection)")
plt.xlabel("Easting (Longitude in 4C Lambert Conformal Conic)")
plt.ylabel("Northing (Latitude in 4C Lambert Conformal Conic)")
# 显示图例
# 4. 提取 Mercator 投影下的坐标
point_8_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[1]
point_8_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[1]
point_12_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[2]
point_12_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[2]
point_5_mercator_latitude = flight_coordinates['North_Transformed'].iloc[0]
point_5_mercator_longitude = flight_coordinates['East_Transformed'].iloc[0]
# 5. 计算 Mercator 投影下的距离
distance_12_8_mercator = np.sqrt((point_12_mercator_longitude - point_8_mercator_longitude)**2 +
(point_12_mercator_latitude - point_8_mercator_latitude)**2)
distance_12_8_mercator_km = distance_12_8_mercator / 1000 # 转换为千米
distance_8_5_mercator = np.sqrt((point_8_mercator_longitude - point_5_mercator_longitude)**2 +
(point_8_mercator_latitude - point_5_mercator_latitude)**2)
distance_8_5_mercator_km = distance_8_5_mercator / 1000 # 转换为千米
total_mercator_projection_distance = distance_12_8_mercator_km + distance_8_5_mercator_km
print(f'Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5 (Mercator): {total_mercator_projection_distance} km')
# 6. 绘制 Mercator 投影下的航程
plt.plot([point_12_mercator_longitude, point_8_mercator_longitude],
[point_12_mercator_latitude, point_8_mercator_latitude],
color='green', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C12 to C8 (4C Mercator)")
plt.plot([point_8_mercator_longitude, point_5_mercator_longitude],
[point_8_mercator_latitude, point_5_mercator_latitude],
color='orange', marker='o', markersize=8, label="C8 to C5 (4C Mercator)")
# 标注控制点
plt.text(point_12_mercator_longitude, point_12_mercator_latitude, 'C12', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_8_mercator_longitude, point_8_mercator_latitude, 'C8', fontsize=12, ha='right')
plt.text(point_5_mercator_longitude, point_5_mercator_latitude, 'C5', fontsize=12, ha='right')
# 设置标题和坐标轴标签
plt.title("Flight Route(Comparison between 4C Mercator Projection and 4C Lambert Projection)")
plt.xlabel("Longitude (Mercator Projection)")
plt.ylabel("Latitude (Mercator Projection)")
# 显示图例
# 展示图表
Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5 (4C Lambert): 1460.5443208825818 km Total distance from C12 to C8 to C5 (Mercator): 1546.2770660005715 km
Geodetic Distance¶
In [217]:
data_geodetic = [['12 - 8 Geodetic Distance', distance_12_8_km], ['8 - 5 Geodetict Distance', distance_8_5_km], ['Total Geodetic Distance', total_distance]]
geodetic_table = pd.DataFrame(data_geodetic, columns=['Projection', 'Distance'])
Projection | Distance | |
0 | 12 - 8 Geodetic Distance | 918.748378 |
1 | 8 - 5 Geodetict Distance | 552.428184 |
2 | Total Geodetic Distance | 1471.176562 |
Mercatort distance(2 controls point)¶
In [218]:
data = [['12 - 8 Mercator Distance', distance_12_8_mercator_2c], ['8 - 5 Mercator Distance', distance_8_5_mercator_2c], ['Total Mercator Distance', total_mercator_projection_distance_2c]]
mercator_data_table_2c = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Projection', 'Distance'])
Projection | Distance | |
0 | 12 - 8 Mercator Distance | 959521.693365 |
1 | 8 - 5 Mercator Distance | 588350.429096 |
2 | Total Mercator Distance | 1547.872122 |
Mercatort distance(4 controls point)¶
In [219]:
data = [['12 - 8 Mercator Distance', distance_12_8_mercator_km], ['8 - 5 Mercator Distance', distance_8_5_mercator_km], ['Total Mercator Distance', total_mercator_projection_distance]]
mercator_data_table = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Projection', 'Distance'])
Projection | Distance | |
0 | 12 - 8 Mercator Distance | 954.913385 |
1 | 8 - 5 Mercator Distance | 591.363681 |
2 | Total Mercator Distance | 1546.277066 |
Lambert distance(2 controls point)¶
In [220]:
data_lambert = [['12 - 8 lambert Distance', dist_12_8_l_km], ['8 - 5 lambert Distance', distance_8_5_lambert_km], ['Total lambert Distance', total_l_dist]]
lambert_data_table = pd.DataFrame(data_lambert, columns=['Projection', 'Distance'])
Projection | Distance | |
0 | 12 - 8 lambert Distance | 911.887064 |
1 | 8 - 5 lambert Distance | 548.725933 |
2 | Total lambert Distance | 1460.612997 |
Lambert distance(4 controls point)¶
In [221]:
data_ls_lambert = [['12 - 8 LS lambert Distance', distance_12_8_4c_lambert_km], ['8 - 5 LS lambert Distance', distance_8_5_4c_lambert_km], ['Total LS lambert Distance', total_lambert_projection_4c_distance]]
ls_lambert = pd.DataFrame(data_ls_lambert, columns=['Projection', 'Distance'])
Projection | Distance | |
0 | 12 - 8 LS lambert Distance | 911.837214 |
1 | 8 - 5 LS lambert Distance | 548.707107 |
2 | Total LS lambert Distance | 1460.544321 |
time calculation¶
In [222]:
speed = 185
Geodetic_travel_time = total_distance/speed
mercator_travel_time_4control_points = total_mercator_projection_distance/speed
lambert_travel_time_2control_points = total_l_dist/speed
lambert_travel_time_4control_points = total_lambert_projection_4c_distance/speed
data_travel_time = [['Geodetic', Geodetic_travel_time],['Mercator(2 control points)',mercator_travel_time_2control_points],['Mercator(4 control points)', mercator_travel_time_4control_points], ['Lambert Conformal Conic(2 control points)',lambert_travel_time_2control_points],['Lambert Conformal Conic(4 control points)',lambert_travel_time_4control_points]]
travel_time_table = pd.DataFrame(data_travel_time, columns=['name', 'time(h)'])
name | time(h) | |
0 | Geodetic | 7.952306 |
1 | Mercator(2 control points) | 8.366876 |
2 | Mercator(4 control points) | 8.358254 |
3 | Lambert Conformal Conic(2 control points) | 7.895205 |
4 | Lambert Conformal Conic(4 control points) | 7.894834 |
In [223]:
#Bell Long Ranger Helicopter Cruise Fuel Consumption: 27 gallons per hour (gph)
#Cruise airspeed: 115 mph (185 km/h)
# Aviation Fuel Price: $1.993 per gallon
#Total Distance Flown: Total known distance flown (distance that can be calculated from Step 1)
#Step 2: Calculate Fuel Consumption
# Calculate Flight Time: We can calculate the flight time by dividing the distance flown by the cruise airspeed.
# Calculate Fuel Consumption: Fuel Consumption = Flight Time × Fuel Consumption per Hour (gph)
# Calculate Fuel Cost: Fuel Cost = Fuel Consumption × Price per gallon of fuel ($1.993)
Calculation of flight time, fuel consumption and fuel costs¶
In [224]:
# Assuming all the necessary variables (distances) are defined earlier
# Parameters
speed = 185 # speed in km/h
fuel_consumption_per_hour = 27 # fuel consumption in gallons per hour
fuel_price_per_gallon = 1.993 # price per gallon in USD
gallon_to_liter = 3.78541 # conversion factor from gallon to liter
# Calculate travel times
Geodetic_travel_time = total_distance / speed
mercator_travel_time_2control_points = total_mercator_projection_distance_2c / speed
mercator_travel_time_4control_points = total_mercator_projection_distance / speed
lambert_travel_time_2control_points = total_l_dist / speed
lambert_travel_time_4control_points = total_lambert_projection_4c_distance / speed
# Create the data table with travel times
data_travel_time = [
['Geodetic', Geodetic_travel_time],
['Mercator(2 control points)', mercator_travel_time_2control_points],
['Mercator(4 control points)', mercator_travel_time_4control_points],
['Lambert Conformal Conic(2 control points)', lambert_travel_time_2control_points],
['Lambert Conformal Conic(4 control points)', lambert_travel_time_4control_points]
# Create the initial travel time table
travel_time_table = pd.DataFrame(data_travel_time, columns=['name', 'time(h)'])
# Add columns for fuel consumption (gallons), fuel consumption (liters), and fuel cost
travel_time_table['fuel_consumption (gallons)'] = travel_time_table['time(h)'] * fuel_consumption_per_hour
travel_time_table['fuel_consumption (liters)'] = travel_time_table['fuel_consumption (gallons)'] * gallon_to_liter
travel_time_table['fuel_cost (USD)'] = travel_time_table['fuel_consumption (gallons)'] * fuel_price_per_gallon
# Add a new column for distance (combined distances from all projections)
travel_time_table['Total Distance (km)'] = [
# Show the updated travel time table
name | time(h) | fuel_consumption (gallons) | fuel_consumption (liters) | fuel_cost (USD) | Total Distance (km) | |
0 | Geodetic | 7.952306 | 214.712255 | 812.773917 | 427.921524 | 1471.176562 |
1 | Mercator(2 control points) | 8.366876 | 225.905661 | 855.145549 | 450.229983 | 1547.872122 |
2 | Mercator(4 control points) | 8.358254 | 225.672869 | 854.264335 | 449.766028 | 1546.277066 |
3 | Lambert Conformal Conic(2 control points) | 7.895205 | 213.170545 | 806.937915 | 424.848897 | 1460.612997 |
4 | Lambert Conformal Conic(4 control points) | 7.894834 | 213.160523 | 806.899974 | 424.828921 | 1460.544321 |
In [225]:
# Save the table to an Excel file
travel_time_table.to_excel('travel_time_table.xlsx', index=False)
processed_4c_madagascar_transformed.to_excel('processed_4c_madagascar_transformed.xlsx', index=False)
Student: Zhaocheng Tan 2964649T¶
Date: 15/12/2024¶
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